
Yes, Locs is an Artifact of Faith- Documentary Coming in June 2023

  [Embargoed until May 15, 2023] Chamblee, GA - The Kingdom of Locs has announced that it will be releasing a documentary on the history and significance of locs as an artifact of faith. The exhibition, titled "Locs: A Spiritual Journey," will explore the role of locs in various faith traditions and their significance as a symbol of spirituality and cultural identity. The announcement was made by Empress Clement, the ruler of the Kingdom of Locs, in a press conference held earlier today. "Locs have long been a symbol of faith and spirituality, and we are proud to showcase their significance in our upcoming exhibition," she said. "We believe that it is important to preserve and celebrate our cultural heritage, and we hope that this exhibition will provide a platform for dialogue and understanding." The exhibition will feature artifacts, photographs, and multimedia installations showcasing the history and significance of locs in various faith traditions. It ...
  *Loc Maintenance Special* $100.00 Wash, Retwist and Basic Style Ends 4/27/2023
  It takes a village to make a stance. Please share and sign this petition so we can be heard loud and clear, that we are a peaceful community that also requires a divine right not to be discriminate against because we were chosen by having our locs. Locs is linked to spirituality and we all have had a testimony behind wearing our hair in its natural state. Locs are linked even in biblical times and is not going anywhere. Continue to share so we can obtain the signatures needed, globally. State of Loc Nation, Loc Community Association and NJS Hair Care, Representatives are petitioning to be federally recognized as aboriginals of the land. By doing so, will release benefits to the State of Loc Nation members to assist with their overall daily needs and asset-wealth building. We have heard for the past several years the concerns of the members and unanimously have decided to take this step as a remedy for our members, the village.   State of Loc Nation Petition Love, Y.H Queen C...

Locs linked to Spirituality. 1 on 1 with Author ,Entrepreneur, founder, ...


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 Hey NJS Hair Care family, Please note my phone fell in water and is not working at the moment. Please book your appointments online at I am able to see the calendar from my laptop. Also, there is a chat feature for any questions or concerns you may have. Regards, Queen